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Little Girl – a poem by studentasim

In solidarity against the Massacre of Gaza July/August 2014

Little girl like a star
Little girl wonder who you are
Little girl I wish I could help
So far away
Tears all I dealt
What I could do
Wrote you a poem
How it will find you?
Lost your family home
Coward action from the drone
Devastated your mommy no longer here
Cried a lot. Who will wipe away your tears?
If I had power I would make your life great
Rebuild you back and give you a clean slate
My heart bleeds to know if you will grow up fine
Change the world in it’s hate, against
When people die and people cheer
I could never understand
How could you be the victim in your own land?
Trust in God, do not despair.
God is good. God is fair.
You make my struggle carry on
Give me courage, write the wrong
Little girl, thank you SO MUCH
You’re a seed of narrative change
The WORLD will soon touch…

Published inpoetry