I am about to embark on a journey
To learn about the Order of Things
I wonder why there is always a storm
In my person
I have thought about this idea
Of the order of things
Like when I tend to the garden
I feel a peace I cannot explain
Or when I clean my room
That is there truth in this?
Is there such a thing as the Order of Things?
Is there a concept known as balance that exists?
I know I feel something so calming
When I do things I should
When I do things, Now
I feel that peace,
that no other treatment on earth could give
When I sense tidiness
And cleanliness
When the fields are tilled
The effects go beyond me
I feel as if it has touched me
Therapy for my mind, my body, my soul
If this is how I feel
Then there is something worth investigating
To learn about the Order of Things
How could I maintain this feeling?
How do I attain this feeling as much as possible?
I must be constantly alert
As work comes in, I must fulfil it
I must change habits,
that make me allergic to my doings
In these brief moments,
I have made up my mind
I realize I must embark on a Journey
To find the Order of Things
And make it my own
To study it
To learn about it
To realize it
And then, God willing, I can feel it
Feel that peace
But I say I must find it
Because it is elusive
It cannot be cornered so easily
I must develop my person
To befriend it
And then seize it
Seize it, initially
For I know how it is, and how it can vanish
To bring it to me
To bring it with me
And show love to it and kindness
Convince it to stay with me
And not to leave
For I cannot forever hold it against it’s will
I want to live with it together
And I want the Order of Things to live with me
Free and willing
Careful thought is required
To make decisions
Decisions that are costly and expensive
But most certainly could be worthwhile
Order of Things, God willing I can find you
God willing, we can be companions
God willing, you will stay
God willing, my first step will be,
The Order of things – a poem by studentasim
Published inpoetry