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Rebuttal to You can enjoy your small world. I will enjoy my big one – a poem by studentasim

A man once told me that a very good way to experience the world was travel in it
Although, I do agree it is a beautiful way to see things
How can it be used as “the” standard for seeing the world?
“You can enjoy your small world. I will enjoy my big one,” he said.
“You are the world and the world is you,” I said.
My world is my reality.
My world does not have to be the world as you know it.
My world is the world as I know it.
I can travel in my world, perhaps I already do.
I can travel in my world, how do you know that I don’t?
How do you know what I know? And where I have been till now?
I can explore my world.
And if I don’t, it’s still my world.
A world is a world, if you understand what a world is.
Just like the sea voyageurs who set across the oceans in their world,
I can voyage in my world by experiencing the unknown.
And when I do, it becomes known to me in my world.
My world is unlimited.
I might only see some things in my world, but not everything.
But it is still my world.
And it is still your world.
But how can you say my world is small, just because I have not seen your world?
How can I say my world is big, just because you have not seen my world?
My world is my world.
Your world is your world.
We can come into each other’s worlds and experience the other.
That’s okay.
But please do not even begin to attempt to say anything of my world, when you haven’t even began to witness the atmosphere or analyze the soil.
You do not know what my world is made of, and what happens in it.
Yet you can make such broad statements, just because?
Just because you have witnessed something you think makes you what?
More aware?
Humble yourself in your world.
Share your world.
But if you ever decide to understand mine,
Come as a visitor, not as a meteor penetrating the skies.
The fact sir, is you could never quantify my world by experiencing yours.
When a foreigner like you comes the way you do,
We call you Alien.
Not only because you might look it.
But because of your ideas.
Share your world.
Share your ideas.
But don’t be Alien.
Come in good faith,
Just like an ambassador would.
“You can enjoy your small world. I will enjoy my big one,” he said.
“You are the world and the world is you,” I said.

Published inpoetry